152 private links
RMS om hvordan man skal gå til det, hvis man absolut skal have en profil på Facebook.
Et dikt kan også være langt mer presist og vekkende enn saklige argumenter. Derfor er Arnulf Øverlands «Du må ikke sove» fra 1937 ukas dikt.
Aside from the physical heft of data centers seen from highways and the fiber optic cables crawling into homes and offices, the digital world mostly exists in our imagination. That imagination is shaped by the people selling services that rely on that infrastructure. This has given rise to a mythology of technology that aims for simple, graspable explanations at the expense of accuracy.
The music industry traded tape for hard drives and got a hard-earned lesson.
Der er mange udfordringer med AI. De fleste af dem ligger ude i fremtiden.
Men allerede nu står vi med et kæmpe problem: AI’s massive energiforbrug.
Telegram is a popular – especially in the East – internet messenger. It bills itself as “encrypted”, “private”, and “secure”. One of its creators (and the CEO of the company that operates the service), Pavel Durov, has for years been suggesting, in a more or less direct manner, that other internet messenger services expose our conversations and endanger our privacy.
It’s a pretty crude, yet surprisingly effective strategy for distracting attention away from Telegram’s very real problems with security and privacy. And there are quite a few of those.
This blog is reserved for more serious things, and ordinarily I wouldn’t spend time on questions like the above. But much as I’d like to spend my time writing about exciting topics, sometimes the world requires a bit of what Brad Delong calls “Intellectual Garbage Pickup,” namely: correcting wrong, or mostly-wrong ideas that spread unchecked across the Internet.
This post is inspired by the recent and concerning news that Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov has been arrested by French authorities for its failure to sufficiently moderate content. While I don’t know the details, the use of criminal charges to coerce social media companies is a pretty worrying escalation, and I hope there’s more to the story.
I’ve been getting involved and trying out Postmarks, social bookmarks for the #Fediverse. It’s like 2003 again, but better!
It’s important that we use accurate terminology when discussing how AI chatbots make up information.
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