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Picture Wall - 92 pics
Write a Book – WordPress.com Support
Topstyrede kendispartier forvandler demokratiet – Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet - Københavns Universitet
NYT: Læsning af skønlitteratur på højeste niveau i 30 år - Danmarks Statistik
Bedre implementering af ny teknologi
How to de-Google yourself
AI Is Like Tinkerbell: It Only Works If We Keep Clapping So It Doesn't Die
I thought Gen Z were lazy. Now, at 51, I realise I've wasted my life at work
Explore the Top Secure Linux Distros for Privacy & Security in 2025
Enevælden er afskaffet for længst – nu er tiden også kommet til at gøre op med techgiganternes imperier
The Beginning of the End of Big Tech | WIRED
Sarah Lund Morrison 🫧 on LinkedIn: Er du SJOV? Og vil du vinde en Kontoret KOP?Per Helge og jeg er ret vilde…
Professor: AI-taskforce bør stå imod hypen og vælge bæredygtige løsninger fremfor de nyeste AI-værktøjer - Altinget: Digital
Standing desks don't do squat, per new study | TechCrunch
Burn My Windows Adds Dreamy New 'Focus' Effect - OMG! Ubuntu
How Austen and Darwin converged on the question of beauty | Aeon Essays
Despite its impressive output, generative AI doesn’t have a coherent understanding of the world | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Is there now a generation of users who never worked with files?
9 Reasons Why You Should Learn Linux
Her er det værste, du kan sige på jobbet | Djøfbladet
Popular - Viewport Tester by Bit Complete
«Du må ikke sove» av Arnulf Øverland | Boktips
Atkinson Hyperlegible Font - Braille Institute
GitHub - SammysHP/SimpleImageBrowser: Simple image browser / gallery script written in php. Small configuration and no database.
Challenging The Myths of Generative AI | TechPolicy.Press
Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying | Ars Technica
Hver gang du taler med ChatGPT, drikker den en halv liter vand | Morten Münster
cpr nr til alder i excel - Eksperten - Computerworld
Docker for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know
11 Best Free and Open Source Linux Presentation Software - LinuxLinks
Is Telegram really an encrypted messaging app? – A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering
Bookmarks in the Fediverse – The lost outpost
ChatGPT Isn’t ‘Hallucinating’—It’s Bullshitting! | Scientific American
Analyser: Unge uden job og uddannelse har dårligere mentalt helbred - Danmarks Statistik
GitHub - RoiArthurB/Side-BunsenLabs_LivePersistent: Create a Live BunsenLabs USB Drive With Persistent Storage
Rapoport’s Rules: How to Criticise Constructively
Rapoport's rules: 4 steps to de-escalate arguments - Big Think
Digitalisering bør trækkes af fagområderne
Some of the best free fonts | Clearleft
To understand the risks posed by AI, follow the money
GitHub - GleamTech/FileVista: FileVista is a Web File Manager (Self-Hosted File Sharing, Own Cloud Storage). FileVista turns your web site into a web file server in few minutes and lets you share files with your clients or staff using any browser or device.
GitHub - alexantr/filemanager: File manager in a single php file
GitHub - jcampbell1/simple-file-manager: A Simple PHP file manager. The code is a single php file.
KD2.org · GitHub
GitHub - prasathmani/tinyfilemanager: Single-file PHP file manager, browser and manage your files efficiently and easily with tinyfilemanager
The intimate politics of everyday digital practices: Entangling and disentangling - ScienceDirect
Memories - Memories
Få varsler om digitale sårbarheder fra varslingstjenesten for virksomheder
Boring RSS – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)
GitHub - simon-mettler/shaarli-theme: Modern Shaarli Theme
The Notecard System: Capture, Organize, and Use Everything You Read, Watch, and Listen To - Billy Oppenheimer
GitHub - Xtrendence/X-Notes: X:/Notes is a note taking web app developed in HTML, CSS and JavaScript (+jQuery) for the front-end, and PHP for the back-end. Notes can be encrypted with AES-256.
Durable data
At Signal, A Revolution in Messaging | Lawfare
Air fryer yoghurt custard toast recipe - BBC Food
Jeg elsker dig. Hvad betyder det egentlig? Vi fik 50 ret forskellige bud
Own Your Web • Buttondown
How to Use Cron on Linux: Tips, Tricks, and Examples
Tech Billionaires Need to Stop Trying to Make the Science Fiction They Grew Up on Real | Scientific American
One pot cremet kyllingesuppe - bloggens storfavorit
GitHub - m1guelpf/Tasks: Simple tasks & notes manager written in PHP, jQuery and Bootstrap using a custom flat file database.
GitHub - lgg-archive/tasks.php: Easy self-hosted task manager
Dataanalyse i Python - for begyndere - HK
Python - for begyndere 1 - HK
Python - for begyndere 2 - HK
Telegram is still leaking user IP addresses to contacts | TechCrunch
CSS Web Fonts
Når der er møg i kommunikationen - om fænomenet business bullshit
Modern Masculinity is Broken. Caitlin Moran Knows How to Fix It. - The New York Times
The End of the Extremely Online Era - by Thomas J Bevan
Geist Font — Vercel
Why I’m Finally Leaving X and Probably All Social Media
Manuskript – Open-source tool for writers
Politicians love to talk about "survival of the fittest." They don't know what that means | Salon.com
Windows 11 installs still dramatically trail Windows 10 • The Register
What a Typical Linux Distribution Looks Like in 2023
How to "Easily" Add Anchor Links in WordPress (Step by Step)
Linux History: a Look Back at 3 Decades of Linux (Infographic)
Software Wars
I Was Wrong About the Death of the Book - The Atlantic
Statsministeren beder om vores tillid, men vil se os alle efter i kortene | Version2
WP RSS Feed Retriever - The #1 RSS Plugin for WordPress
Køb Gerber Ultralight LST foldekniv | Spejder Sport
Ultralight Foldekniv fra Gerber - køb ny foldekniv her
Microsoft Edge is leaking the sites you visit to Bing - The Verge
Fifteen Blog - WordPress theme | WordPress.org
Livro - WordPress theme | WordPress.org
GitHub - mrjovanovic/serious-theme-shaarli: A serious theme for Shaarli
How to Create a Custom WordPress Theme - Full Course 2022 - YouTube
Computer scientists designing the future can’t agree on what privacy means | MIT Technology Review
7 Git tips for technical writers | Opensource.com
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