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What the Luddites can teach us about resisting an automated future.
U.S. schools invested heavily in Chromebooks during the COVID-19 pandemic, but they're now having to throw thousands of them away because Google built them to be impossible to update within three to six years.
Supercharge your website content with the #1 WordPress RSS Feeds plugin. Easily curate and import RSS feeds from multiple sources and display them anywhere on your website.
The lawsuits allege the companies trained their AI models on books without permission.
This service is one step you can take to help remove online nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit photos and videos taken before you were 18.
Når unge får delt nøgenbilleder på nettet mod deres vilje, kan det efterlade dem med følelsen af skyld, skam og selvbebrejdelse – men nu giver et nyt værktøj dem en lille mulighed for kontrol. Facebooks moderorganisation, Meta, står bag Take it Down, hvor unge kan få hjælp til at fjerne intime billeder fra nogle af de store sider på nettet.
How to be effective in the theatre of work
"What is the environmental impact of visiting the homepage of a media site? What part do advertising, and analytics, play when it comes to the carbon footprint? We tried to answer these questions using GreenFrame, a solution we developed to measure the footprint of our own developments.
The results are insightful: up to 70% of the electricity consumption (and therefore carbon emissions) caused by visiting a French media site is triggered by advertisements and stats. Therefore, using an ad blocker even becomes an ecological gesture. But we also suggest actions web editors could take to reduce this impact."
»At man overhovedet har overladt den slags til profitmotiverede aktører, det er fuldstændig gak,« lyder det fra Enhedslisten om den private drift af MitID.
A newly declassified report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reveals that the federal government is buying troves of data about Americans.