149 private links
Dan Jørgensen hyldede embedsmænds ekstreme overarbejde. “Vi var ligesom bare en fabrik for ham”
Vi gik på jagt efter det, embedsmændene kalder “Fenris-talen”. Og fandt den.
A democratic debate controlled and moderated by professional media is the solution to the utterly disgusting online discussion culture of today. With ActivityPub we do have technological plug-and-play solutions
Syddansk Universitets komma-kursus.
"Kommakurset er for dig, der gerne vil lære at sætte komma eller blive endnu bedre til det."
Via Ove på Mastodon
Fordi man bør have installeret Arch.
An experimental Firefox fork that enhances focus and increases work productivity due to its hyper minimalistic UI and built-in tools.
No humans allowed!
Det virker, som om den kunne generere ufattelige mængder "samtale" på kort tid...
Microsoft Edge is leaking the sites you visit to Bing / It’s probably a good idea to disable Edge’s follow creator feature until this privacy issue is fixed.
The US Public Interest Research Group Education Fund has found that cheap Chromebooks, due to their short lifespans and lack of repairability, are both less sustainable and more expensive for schools than pricier devices might be.
Only paper and ink are safe from the censors:
With the recent news that Kindle and other e-readers are automatically updating Roald Dahl’s books to sanitised versions, an entire era has come to an end for readers like me. Who in future will feel safe buying an electronic copy of anything?